Angular Optimizations Techniques

it's all about soooth user experience

Lazy Loading

Lazy loading in Angular is a technique used to optimize the loading time of an application by deferring the loading of certain modules until they are specifically requested. Instead of loading all modules and components at once when the application is initially loaded, lazy loading allows modules to be loaded asynchronously as the user navigates to different parts of the application.

Here's how lazy loading works in Angular:

  1. Module Splitting: Lazy loading involves splitting your application into multiple modules. Each module represents a feature or section of your application.
  2. Routing Configuration: In the routing configuration, you specify which modules should be loaded lazily. Instead of eagerly loading the entire application, only the main AppModule is eagerly loaded, while other feature modules are lazily loaded as needed.
  3. Dynamic Imports: Lazy-loaded modules are loaded dynamically using dynamic imports. When a user navigates to a route associated with a lazy-loaded module, Angular fetches the corresponding module file asynchronously from the server.
  4. Optimized Bundling: Lazy loading helps optimize the size of initial bundles, reducing the initial load time of the application. Only the code required for the initial rendering of the application is loaded upfront, while additional code is fetched on-demand as the user navigates through the application.

Ahed-of-Time Compilation

Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation in Angular is a process where Angular compiles your application's TypeScript and HTML code into efficient JavaScript code during the build phase, before the browser downloads and runs the code. This contrasts with Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation, where compilation occurs in the browser at runtime.

Here's how AOT compilation works in Angular:

  1. Faster Startup:AOT compilation eliminates the need for the browser to compile templates and components at runtime, resulting in faster startup times for your application.
  2. Improved Performance: AOT-compiled code is optimized and smaller in size compared to JIT-compiled code, leading to improved performance and reduced bandwidth usage.
  3. Detection of Errors: AOT compilation detects errors in templates and component bindings at build time, preventing potential runtime errors and improving overall code quality.
  4. Tree Shaking: AOT compilation enables tree shaking, a process where unused parts of the application code are removed during the build process, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and faster loading times.
  5. Better Security: AOT compilation reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities such as template injection attacks by compiling templates into JavaScript code that is safe to execute.

Tree Shaking

Tree shaking is a process used in Angular (and other JavaScript frameworks) to remove unused code from the final bundle during the build process. It's a form of dead code elimination that helps reduce the size of the JavaScript bundle sent to the browser, resulting in faster loading times and improved performance for the application.

Here's how tree shaking works in Angular:

  1. Static Analysis: During the build process, the Angular CLI (or other build tools) analyzes the application code and its dependencies to determine which parts of the code are actually used.
  2. Marking Unused Code: Code that is not imported or referenced anywhere in the application is marked as "unused" or "dead code."
  3. Removal of Dead Code: The build tool then removes the unused code from the final bundle, leaving behind only the code that is actually used by the application.
  4. Optimized Bundle: The result is an optimized JavaScript bundle that contains only the code necessary for the application to run, reducing its size and improving loading times.

Optimize Image

Image optimization in Angular refers to the process of optimizing images used within an Angular application to improve performance, reduce bandwidth usage, and enhance user experience. This optimization typically involves reducing the file size of images without significantly compromising their quality.

Here are some techniques for image optimization in Angular:

  1. File Compression: Use image compression tools or libraries to compress image files before including them in your Angular application. This reduces the file size of images without visibly reducing image quality.
  2. File Compression: Use image compression tools or libraries to compress image files before including them in your Angular application. This reduces the file size of images without visibly reducing image quality.
  3. Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for images that are not immediately visible in the viewport. This defers the loading of off-screen images until they are needed, reducing initial page load times.
  4. Responsive Images: Serve different image sizes based on the device's screen size and resolution using srcset and sizes attributes in HTML. This ensures that users receive appropriately sized images for their device, reducing unnecessary bandwidth usage.
  5. CDN Usage: Serve images from a content delivery network (CDN) to leverage caching and reduce latency. CDNs deliver images from servers located closer to the user, improving load times.
  6. Image Sprites: Use image sprites to combine multiple images into a single image file. This reduces the number of HTTP requests required to load images, improving performance.
  7. Image Lazy Loading Libraries: Utilize third-party libraries or Angular plugins for implementing image lazy loading, such as ngx-lazy-load-image.

Bundle Optimization

Bundle optimization in Angular refers to the process of optimizing the JavaScript and CSS bundles generated during the build process of an Angular application. The goal of bundle optimization is to reduce the size of these bundles, resulting in faster load times and improved performance for the application.

Here are some techniques used for bundle optimization in Angular:

  1. Minification: Minification involves removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, and renaming variables in the code to reduce file size. This can be achieved using tools like UglifyJS or terser-webpack-plugin.
  2. Tree Shaking: Tree shaking is a process that removes unused code (dead code) from the application bundle. It helps eliminate redundant code and dependencies, resulting in smaller bundle sizes. Angular CLI automatically performs tree shaking during the build process.
  3. Code Splitting: Code splitting involves splitting the application into smaller chunks (bundles) based on different routes or modules. This allows only the necessary code to be loaded when navigating to a specific route, reducing initial load times. Angular CLI supports code splitting out of the box.
  4. Lazy Loading: Lazy loading is a technique where modules are loaded asynchronously only when they are needed. This helps reduce the initial bundle size by deferring the loading of less critical code until it is required. Angular CLI provides built-in support for lazy loading modules.
  5. Optimization Plugins: Utilize optimization plugins for bundlers like Webpack or Rollup. These plugins can perform additional optimizations such as scope hoisting, module concatenation, and more efficient chunk splitting.
  6. Source Maps: While not directly reducing bundle size, source maps are useful for debugging and profiling applications. However, they can significantly increase bundle size. Consider generating separate source maps for production builds or disabling them altogether for optimal performance.

Change Detection

Change detection in Angular is a mechanism that detects and propagates changes in the application's data model to the corresponding views (HTML templates). It ensures that the UI remains synchronized with the underlying data model by updating the DOM elements whenever there is a change in the application state.

Here's how change detection works in Angular:

  1. Initialization: When an Angular component is initialized, Angular creates a change detection tree that represents the component and its child components.
  2. Zone.js: Angular uses Zone.js to intercept asynchronous operations such as setTimeout, setInterval, XMLHttpRequest, and event listeners. This ensures that change detection is triggered automatically whenever asynchronous operations complete, even if they are triggered from outside the Angular context.
  3. Data Binding: Angular components use data binding to bind the data model (component properties) to the view (HTML templates). This can be done using interpolation, property binding, event binding, or two-way binding.
  4. Immutable Data: Angular encourages the use of immutable data structures and pure functions to ensure predictable change detection behavior. This helps prevent unintended side effects and improves performance by minimizing unnecessary change detection cycles.

Component Optimization

Component optimization in Angular refers to the process of optimizing Angular components to improve performance, reduce bundle size, and enhance user experience. By optimizing components, developers can ensure that Angular applications are fast, efficient, and responsive.

Here are some techniques for component optimization in Angular:

  1. Change Detection Strategy: Angular provides two change detection strategies: Default and OnPush. By default, Angular checks for changes in all components and their children during each change detection cycle. However, with the OnPush strategy, Angular only checks for changes when input properties of the component or its children change, resulting in fewer change detection cycles and improved performance.
  2. Pure Pipes: Use pure pipes for data transformation in Angular components. Pure pipes are stateless and only recalculate their output when the input values change, reducing unnecessary calculations and improving performance.
  3. Async Pipe: When dealing with asynchronous data streams, use the async pipe to subscribe to observables or promises directly in the template. The async pipe automatically subscribes and unsubscribes to the data stream, reducing the need for manual subscription management and preventing memory leaks.
  4. Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for components that are not immediately visible on the screen. Lazy loading defers the loading of components until they are needed, reducing initial bundle size and improving load times.
  5. Optimize Template Binding: Avoid excessive use of two-way data binding ([(ngModel)]) and property binding ([property]="value") in templates. Instead, prefer event binding and input/output properties to minimize the number of bindings and reduce the complexity of change detection.
  6. NgZone Optimization: Minimize the use of NgZone when working with third-party libraries or asynchronous operations. NgZone triggers change detection after every asynchronous operation, so excessive use can impact performance. Use NgZone.runOutsideAngular() to run code outside the Angular zone when necessary.
  7. Tree Shaking: Take advantage of Angular's tree shaking capabilities to remove unused components, services, and dependencies from the final bundle. This helps reduce bundle size and improve load times by eliminating dead code.

Memory Management

In Angular, memory management refers to the process of efficiently managing the allocation and deallocation of memory resources used by Angular applications. This is particularly important in web applications, where memory leaks and inefficient memory usage can lead to performance issues and decreased user experience.

Angular provides built-in mechanisms for memory management, primarily through its dependency injection system and the lifecycle hooks provided by components and services. Here are some key aspects of memory management in Angular:

  1. Dependency Injection: Angular's dependency injection system manages the instantiation and disposal of services used throughout the application. Services are typically singletons, meaning they are created once and shared across components as needed. Angular's injector ensures that services are properly disposed of when they are no longer needed, helping to prevent memory leaks.
  2. Component Lifecycle Hooks: Angular components have a series of lifecycle hooks that allow developers to execute code at specific points in the component's lifecycle. These hooks include functions like ngOnInit, ngOnChanges, ngOnDestroy, etc. The ngOnDestroy hook is particularly important for memory management, as it provides an opportunity to release any resources held by the component before it is destroyed.
  3. Unsubscribing Observables: Angular commonly uses observables for handling asynchronous data streams. When subscribing to observables in components, it's important to unsubscribe from them when the component is destroyed to prevent memory leaks. This is typically done in the ngOnDestroy lifecycle hook.
  4. Garbage Collection: Angular applications run in the JavaScript runtime environment of the browser, which includes automatic garbage collection. However, developers should still be mindful of creating unnecessary references or retaining objects longer than necessary, as these can contribute to memory leaks.
  5. Angular Language Service: The Angular Language Service, when integrated with development tools like Visual Studio Code, can help identify memory leaks and inefficient memory usage by providing real-time feedback and suggestions for improvement.


Caching in Angular refers to the process of storing data or responses temporarily so that it can be reused later without having to make the same request again. Caching can improve the performance and responsiveness of Angular applications by reducing the need for repeated network requests and computations.

There are several approaches to caching in Angular:

  1. HTTP Interceptors: Angular's HttpClient module allows you to intercept HTTP requests and responses using interceptors. You can implement caching logic within an interceptor to cache responses from HTTP requests. This can be useful for caching API responses, images, or other resources fetched from a server.
  2. Local Storage or Session Storage: Angular applications can leverage browser storage mechanisms like local storage or session storage to cache data locally on the client-side. This can be useful for caching user preferences, authentication tokens, or other data that needs to persist across sessions.
  3. Service or Component Level Caching: Developers can implement caching at the service or component level by storing data in variables or properties within the Angular service or component. This approach is useful for caching data that is specific to a particular service or component and doesn't need to be shared across the application.
  4. Memoization: Memoization is a technique used to cache the results of expensive function calls. In Angular, you can implement memoization by creating memoized versions of functions using techniques like closures or memoization libraries like lodash.
  5. Route Caching: Angular's router module supports route-level caching, allowing you to reuse components and data for specific routes. This can improve the performance of navigation within the application by avoiding unnecessary component reinitialization and data fetching.
  6. Third-Party Libraries: There are also third-party libraries and modules available for caching in Angular, such as ngx-cache, which provide additional caching features and utilities for Angular applications.

Server-Side Rendering

Server-side rendering (SSR) in Angular refers to the process of rendering Angular applications on the server rather than in the client's browser. Traditionally, Angular applications are rendered entirely on the client-side, where the browser downloads the application's JavaScript bundle and executes it to render the application in the DOM (Document Object Model). However, with SSR, the initial rendering of the application is performed on the server before sending the HTML to the client's browser.

Here's how server-side rendering works in Angular:

  1. Initial Request: When a user requests a page from an Angular application, the server receives the request.
  2. Server-side Rendering: Instead of sending the client an empty HTML file with JavaScript bundles to be executed in the browser, the server-side rendering process generates the HTML content of the requested page on the server. This involves running Angular application code on the server to render the components and generate the HTML markup.
  3. Sending HTML to the Client: Once the server-side rendering process is complete, the server sends the fully rendered HTML content of the page to the client's browser in the response.
  4. Client-side Hydration: Along with the HTML content, the server also sends the JavaScript bundles required for client-side functionality. When the client receives the HTML, it can immediately display the page to the user while the JavaScript bundles are being downloaded and executed. Once the JavaScript bundles are executed, Angular takes over on the client-side, enhancing the page with interactive functionality. This process is known as "hydration."

Quick Summary

By employing a combination of below techniques, you can effectively audit and optimize the performance of your Angular application, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.

  1. Chrome DevTools:

    Utilize Chrome's built-in DevTools to analyze network requests, CPU usage, memory consumption, rendering performance, and more. The Performance tab allows you to record and analyze runtime performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize critical rendering paths.
  2. Lighthouse:

    Lighthouse is an open-source tool from Google that audits web page performance, accessibility, SEO, and more. It provides actionable insights and scores based on best practices, and it can be run directly in Chrome DevTools or as a standalone tool.
  3. Webpack Bundle Analyzer:

    If your Angular application is bundled using Webpack, you can use the Webpack Bundle Analyzer to visualize the size of your bundles and dependencies. This helps identify large dependencies and optimize bundle size for faster loading times.
  4. Angular Augury:

    Augury is a Chrome DevTools extension specifically designed for debugging and profiling Angular applications. It provides insights into component tree structure, change detection cycles, router state, and performance optimizations.
  5. Monitoring Tools:

    Implement monitoring tools like Google Analytics or Sentry to track real-user metrics such as page load times, time to interactive, and error rates. These tools provide valuable insights into user behavior and performance issues in production environments.
  6. Code Profiling:

    Use Angular's built-in profiling tools like Angular Performance Profiler to analyze change detection cycles, rendering times, and memory usage. This helps identify performance bottlenecks within the Angular framework and application code.
  7. Network Analysis:

    Analyze network requests using tools like Charles Proxy or browser network tabs to identify slow API calls, large asset sizes, or unnecessary requests. Optimize network performance by minimizing request size, leveraging caching, and optimizing server response times.